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Be aware that if your AED is not FDA-approved, compatible necessary AED accessories may no longer be available to support your AED after February 3, 2022. This includes batteries and pads. This includes major manufacture's.
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AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator.
f you're wondering what an AED is – and why they seem to be located in most offices and public buildings, you're not alone. In fact, because these devices are now commonly available, more people than ever before are curious about them. So – just what is an AED?
An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It's a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.
Believe it or not, defibrillation was discovered at the University of Geneva in 1899 by physiologists Jean-Louis Prevost and Frédéric Batelli. Ventricular fibrillation is a condition that occurs when the heart beats rapidly and erratically.
Six Shocking Statistics About Sudden Cardiac Arrest and AEDsanswers this question pretty thoroughly, but 68.5% of the 456,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur at home. In other words, if you have an AED, the life you save will likely be that of a loved one.
Nope. While we encourage everyone to gain the confidence they need through CPR, First Aid, and AED certification courses, multilingual voice and text prompts to ensure that everyone can become a lifesaver.
An AED is designed to be used on someone who is experiencing cardiac arrest. It may be an individual’s best chance of survival. Thanks to built-in sensors and safety features, AEDs will not deliver unnecessary shocks.
Yes, it’s safe to use an AED on infants and children. Although AEDs are manufactured with adults in mind, most AEDs come equipped with pediatric settings and/or pediatric pads that adjust the energy level used. These settings make them safe for use on young children who weigh less than 55 pounds. The American Heart Association recommends that pediatric attenuated pads should be used on children under the age of eight and on infants. Adult pads are used on children eight years and older. However, if pediatric pads and settings are not available, the American Red Cross suggests that an AED with adult pads should be used.
Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time. If a pregnant woman goes into cardiac arrest, call 911 and tell the operator that the victim is pregnant. This will help alert EMS providers so they’re prepared upon arrival and can transport the woman to a hospital that can perform an emergency C-section, if necessary.
Next, start CPR with chest compressions as you would for an individual who is not pregnant. It is vitally important to keep blood and oxygen moving throughout the body. According to the American Heart Association, it is safe to use an AED if one is available.
If you own an AED it needs to be publicly accessible and in plain sight. An AED can’t save a life if it can’t be found. For more information, read our AED placement guide: Finding the Best Location for Your AED
Although AEDs don’t expire, batteries and pads do. The importance of AED preventative maintenance and service cannot be overstated. We recommend AED owners invest in both preventative maintenance and compliance management programs to ensure their AEDs are fully operational and in compliance with local laws.
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Save a life
AED Sentinel is a technology-based remote AED monitoring system, designed and built by Readiness Systems, the nation’s leading AED program compliance expert. AED Sentinel uses internet-connected hardware that keeps a watchful eye on your AEDs, along with an associated software platform and an intuitive user dashboard for monitoring, alerts and reporting.
Industry standards, AED laws and manufacturer guidelines make automated external defibrillator (AED) owners responsible for ensuring their life-saving devices are ready to work every time they are needed. The only question is if and how they actually get done.
Today’s reliance on human AED inspectors leads to a high rate of non-compliance, meaning large numbers of AEDs go uninspected or poorly maintained for long periods of time. As a result, more than 1 in 5 AEDs may not be ready for use (over 800,000 potentially unready AEDs in the U.S.). The consequences? Increased risk of AED failure, avoidable sudden cardiac death and lawsuits.
Any organization with AEDs can benefit from the ease of ownership AED Sentinel provides.
AED Sentinel works with all current AED makes and models installed in wall-mounted cabinets. As of now, these include:
Have another AED model? Contact us. If we can support it, we’ll be happy to add it to this list!
Yes, AED Sentinel monitoring hardware is installed in AED cabinets where it keeps a watchful eye on your AEDs.
No problem. We’ll send you stick-on metal cabinet plates that will allow you to easily install AED Sentinel hardware.
AED Sentinel does not require a fixed power source. Rather, AED Sentinel hardware uses 8 long-lasting, off-the-shelf AA alkaline batteries that you can easily replace.
No! Your IT team will love to hear that AED Sentinel securely transmits data via a cellular network, completely independent of your enterprise network. So, there’s no need to bother IT for approvals and there are no complicated Wi-Fi setup challenges!
None! AED Sentinel was designed to enable AED program managers to quickly self-install and foolproof their AED programs in minutes. All AED Sentinel hardware components attach magnetically to your AED cabinets.
AED Sentinel is always keeping a watchful eye on your AEDs. With daily checks, along with 24/7 automated monitoring of your AEDs and accessories, AED Sentinel has you covered.
AED Sentinel’s 24/7 automated monitoring alerts you to:
Yes! AED Sentinel will alert you when AED batteries and pads are approaching the end of useful life and require replacement.
No! AED Sentinel eliminates the need for any human visual inspections. That said, once AED Sentinel alerts you to a required action, AED response and maintenance interventions remain your responsibility.
No problem. AED Sentinel can be used in partnership with your existing AED program management tracking system.
AED Sentinel is brought to you by Readiness Systems, the nation’s leading AED program compliance expert. We wrote the national AED Program Design Guidelines that define industry standards, and now we bring technology-based services and solutions to help organizations of all sizes with their AED program readiness and compliance.
AED Sentinel is available through a wide variety of Readiness Systems partners, including equipment distributors, training organizations, program management companies, cabinet makers and others. Contact your trusted vendor to see if they are an authorized AED Sentinel distributor, or contact us for a quick distributor referral so you can purchase AED Sentinel today.
Please contact us with any of your questions. We’ll keep a watchful eye out for you!
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